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Fairtrade in Italy

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Consumption of Fairtrade products is estimated at about 38 million Euros (+ 12%). Biscuits and snacks show the most interesting growth, along with fresh fruit. This was revealed when data from the last quarter of 2007 was compared with the figures of Fairtrade certified products of the previous year.


The most interesting data emerged from the field of mixed products (biscuits and snacks), which more than tripled, thanks to the introduction of Fair Trade products in public canteens and catering services. A major push was also given by the placement at Auchan and Lidl (with their private lable) and Dico.


Classic products continued to grow as well. Between 2006 and 2007, coffee sales increased by 23%, tea by 36 %, cocoa by 23% and chocolate by 9%. Sales of honey, however, decreased by 18 %. Fresh fruit (bananas and oranges), nuts and dried fruit, Amazonian nuts and peanuts, were popular as well. Flowers and  jeans were introduced by various retailers.


Paul Shepard, director of Fairtrade Italy, stated that they were aware that, compared with trends of other European countries, Italy had a modest growth. The Fairtrade strategy for this year was to strengthen communication with consumers who know Fair Trade products but only buy them on odd occasions, to develop new products to offer a larger variety, and to strengthen the presence of these products in supermarkets.




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