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Fairtrade Foundation: A breathable cloud of Fairtrade fruit

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Fairtrade Foundation has teamed up with food architects Bompas and Parr who are conducting a unique experiment by creating a Ziggurat of Flavour which leads to a Fairtrade fruit cloud that one can taste. The Ziggurat will be a massive pyramidal installation, perched on top of a hill at the Big Chill Music Festival at Eastnor Castle Deer Park, Herefordshire, and will be unveiled on 6 August, 2010. Once the bottom of the pyramid is entered, one will go through a maze before emerging into a central chamber where one will enter a dense cloud of Fairtrade fruit. The Ziggurat launch will kick start a year-long Fairtrade fruit campaign by the Fairtrade Foundation called "Power Up Your Fruit Bowl“ to promote awareness of the growing Fairtrade fruit range. (Picture: Ziggurat with Mark Varney, Head of Business Development)

There are currently 19 types of Fairtrade fruit available, the Fairtrade Foundation reports. Bompas and Parr are an experiential duo who specialise in culinary events and have chosen to work with the Fairtrade Foundation on this project recognising that Fairtrade works closely with the farmers and workers who grow the fruit. Fresh Fairtrade oranges, lemons and pineapples are prepared onsite, liquefied by Big Chill visitors and clarified through reverse osmosis. The cloud itself is made using the same technology as Anthony Gormley’s Blind Light at the Hayward Gallery.

Fairtrade Foundation





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