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FLO welcomes Fairtrade Label South Africa

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Fairtrade Label South Africa has joined the Fairtrade family as the first Fairtrade organization promoting Fairtrade Mark products in a developing country. By building the national market for Fairtrade, Fairtrade Label South Africa’s work means South African farmers can sell their products directly on the local market under the Fairtrade label. The agreement signed between FLO and Fairtrade Label South Africa will be a model for other groups who want to introduce Fairtrade in their countries. In new Fairtrade markets, FLO licenses the Fairtrade Mark on products whereas local organizations will be responsible for marketing and promoting Fairtrade.

There has been a lot of interest already from groups in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe who want to build Fairtrade sales in their countries. Fairtrade Label South Africa and FLO are now planning special activities to increase Fairtrade products in South Africa. In a meaningful coincidence, the agreement was signed on Freedom Day, a South African national holiday commemorating the end of the apartheid.

Fair Trade Advocacy Office





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