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European Organic Congress in Brussels

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A number of high level speakers confirmed their participation in the key event of the European organic sector in 2007: the European Organic Congress on “The Future of Organic Food and Farming within the Reformed CAP” in Brussels on December 4-5. The organisers from IFOAM EU Group have made the updated programme available at


The congress provides an opportunity to meet with leading figures from the private organic sector and the EU institutions. Agriculture Commissioner Fisher Boel, EU Parliament Vice Chair of the Agriculture Committee Graefe zu Baringdorf and the IFOAM EU Group President Blake will open the congress on 4th of December.


Further speakers involved are:


Poul Skytte Christoffersen, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Fischer Boel
Wilfrid Legg, OECD, Head of the Policies and Environment Division
Young farmers President Giacomo Ballari
Arnd Spahn, Secretary General of Agriculture Trade Unions
Various speakers from 3 Directorates within the European Commission


The IFOAM EU Group invites all interested stakeholders to participate in this event. “Organic and agriculture stakeholders should not miss the chance to take part in defining the future organic agenda”, said Marco Schlueter, director of the IFOAM EU Group. The congress will review the European Organic Action Plan and develop political recommendations to enhance the future development of organic food and farming in Europe.


The European Organic Congress is organised by the IFOAM EU Group in partnership with CEJA, EFFAT, and BirdLife International.,





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