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Ecocultura Fair in Zamora/Spain in October

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Ecocultura is a new Spanish-Portuguese Fair, which focuses on representing the organic sector from these two neighbouring countries, especially from the areas near the border, through which the river Duero (in Spanish) or Douro (in Portuguese) flows. The river flows across Zamora and on into Portugal. The Fair will offer a new service: providing information on the supply and demand of organic products. 112 exhibitors will represent 180 companies, twice as many as last year. The Fair will take place from the 13-15 October 2006.


Picture: Ecocultura 2005

The Fair organizers are very interested in promoting the role of the Fair as a meeting point for different professional stakeholders in the organic sector. There will also be a couple of workshops where organic production in Spain and Portugal will be analyzed, focusing on the issues of health and consumption, marketing, organic husbandry and organic horticulture.
Other topics and events are: demonstration meals and several promotional activities in supermarkets. During the Fair week, there will be organic menus in several restaurants in Zamora and other towns in the province (Benavente and Toro). An organic bar in the Fair hall will give people the opportunity to taste organic drinks and “tapas”.


The Fair is organized by the Zamora Province Council (Diputación Provincial de Zamora), the Regional Government of Castile-Leon (Junta de Castilla y León) and by the organic associations SEAE (Spanish) and Agrobio (Portuguese).


Among the exhibitors are certification bodies and the Spanish Association for the Promotion of Organic Farming (SEAE), the network for the conservation of seeds from Castile-Leon and the Federation of Consumers Associations from Castile-Leon. Several traders from Sweden and Denmark, as well as representatives from various retailers and distributors, including hypermarkets, will be present at Ecocultura. What is especially noteworthy is the fact that the Fair will be attended by numerous Portuguese producers interested in meeting Spanish companies in order to discuss market opportunities. Parallel activities will be presentations, round tables and open discussion from all the sectors represented at the Fair.


Further info:


Following segments will be present at Ecocultura:

- Fruit & vegetables; fresh and preserved
- Nuts and wild harvested products
- Vegetable burgers and sausages
- Fresh beef, pork and lamb
- Ham and cured meat
- Trout and sturgeon ova (caviar)
- Cereals, legumes and fodder for feed
- Cereals and legumes for food
- Beekeeping products: honey, etc.
- Dairy products: milk, cheese, ice cream, yoghurt
- Beverages: Wine, beer, juice, Maté, coffee, tea
- Olives and olive oil
- Bakery products, confectionery 
- Medicinal and cooking herbs, spices
- Sugar and salt
- Magazines and publications
- Ecological building
- Cosmetics
- Clothes made of organic cotton





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