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Devon is Great Britain’s Number One

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

According to Defra, Devon has been declared the number one organic county in Great Britain. It has more organic food producers and processors than any other country in the UK, namely 464. The next highest, Somerset, has 268 operators. There are large-scale organic producers and processors as well as smaller pioneer farm-based businesses, focusing on local, direct trade.


A number of initiatives have helped, including the European programme "RAFAEL". The county concil and the Soil Association have teamed up through this European-funded project to work with producers and processors to promote goods, develop markets and to encourage local people to make the best produce in their county. A further goal is to get more local organic food into school meals.


This project also allows organic businesses to share best practice through European exchanges and to trade with other regions in Europe. It also plays a key role in promoting Devon as a place to visit for high quality food and drink. Devon has the second largest area of certified organic land – 24,395 hectares - representing five per cent of the total land area. 





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