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Cornucopia Institute files complaint with USDA

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

A national group with ties to the community of Cornucopia has filed a complaint with the USDA about toxic ingredients in organic food. The Cornucopia Institute stated that documents from the Food and Drug Administration they received were showing that toxic solvents were used in some organic food. According to the institute’s Co-Director Mark Kastel, this food also included baby formula. “The infant formula industry started adding omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The source of these oils is fermented algae and fermented soil fungus produced in a laboratory and these materials have never been a part of the human diet before.”

“What was also found was that a toxic solvent called hexane was used, a derivative of petroleum refining to extract these oils from the biomass, and these toxic chemicals are strictly prohibited from organic production,” Mr Kastel continued and he stated that mothers were wrong when thinking they would automatically get the safest, most nutritional product with organic infant formula. He expressed his hopes that the USDA would enforce the law and prohibit companies from putting these hexane derived oils into organic formula and food.


The “Replacing Mother: Infant Formula Report” is available at



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