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Cornucopia Institute asks USDA to close loophole

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Cornucopia Institute is asking the USDA to close a loophole - companies are tightly regulated in terms of their use of the word “organic” on food packaging, but some businesses are deceiving customers by using the words “Organic” or “Organics” in their company name on food that does not legally qualify as organic. “Companies are getting away with using the word ‘organic’ in their company name, listed prominently on food packages, even if the product they’re selling isn’t certified organic,” explains Charlotte Vallaeys, Farm and Food Policy Analyst with The Cornucopia Institute. “These companies are taking advantage of the good name and reputation of organics, without going the extra mile to actually source all organic ingredients in their products.”
The Cornucopia Institute has sent a formal legal complaint to the USDA’s National Organic Program, and a second similar complaint to the Federal Trade Commission, highlighting labeling improprieties with three food brands: Oskri Organics, Organic Bistro and Newman’s Own Organics. These companies sell products that do not qualify to bear the “USDA Organic” seal, yet may appear organic to consumers based on the prominence of the word ‘Organic’ in their brand name. “Current organic standards specify that processed foods that are represented as ‘Organic’ must contain 95-100 % organically produced raw or processed agricultural products,” explains Ms Vallaeys. The only minor ingredients allowed that are not certified organic must be unavailable in organic form and approved by the NOSB (National Organic Standards Board).

The Cornucopia Institute




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