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Cook Organic, Not the Planet – Climate March in New York

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Organic Consumers Association has announced that Vandana Shiva (picture: Vandana Shiva on the right) will march with the association’s Cook Organic, Not the Planet contingent in the People’s Climate March in New York City on 21 September 2014. The march is taking place in conjunction with the United Nations Climate Summit 2014, which will take place on 23 September 2014 at the UN headquarters in New York.

Vandana Shiva is known the world over for her tireless activism on behalf of the anti-GMO movement, organic agriculture, food justice and food sovereignty. It is the Organic Consumers Association’s hope that by joining with the association in the march to promote their Cook Organic, Not the Planet message, Vandana will further their mutual mission of drawing attention to the destructive impact industrial agriculture has on global warming, and the very real potential of organic, regenerative agriculture to reverse global warming by naturally sequestering carbon in the soil. The association is inviting its network of more than one million consumers to march under their banner too. More information is available from the Organic Consumers Association.





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