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Meeting on organic agriculture of Latin American and the Caribbean

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In the International Year dedicated to Biological Diversity, from September 5 to 9 this year, Lima will host the 5th Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Organic Agriculture, which will be held simultaneously with the 5th Fair of Organic Producers in Latin America and the Caribbean. This edition is dedicated to highlighting the contribution of organic farming to mitigate and adapt to climate change, the promotion of agricultural biodiversity, improved water management and land and food sovereignty in general, rural development and the maintenance of vibrant rural areas. The event and accompanying exhibition seek to give space for diffusion, reflection and exchange between different actors in organic agri-food chains, with an emphasis on on-farm experimentation conducted by members of farm families and their organisations, and findings and actions of research centers, companies and various institutions of the public and private sectors.

At the same time, the events seek to connect American and foreign participants in general with the latest developments in matters of practice and promotion of organic farming in Peru, Ecoticias reports. The Consortium of Agroecology of Peru has formed a national organising committee headed by the National Association of Ecological Producers (ANPE), involving the state through the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment, in which the Kunturnet Association is incorporated, an organisation dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment, biodiversity and the sustainable development of alternative tourism. Moises Quispe, Executive Director of ANPE said these events aimed at promoting organic farming as a means to improve the quality of life in harmony with nature through the exchange of experiences between producers, producers and researchers, and others engaged in the agro-ecological sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.




Latin America

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