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Brazil: Association for GM-free grains launched

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Brazilian Association for the Producers of Non-GM Grains - Abrance - has been launched, congregating grains and seeds producers, cooperatives, crushing industries, transport and warehousing companies, certification companies and research laboratories. According to the newly elected President César Borges de Sousa of Caramuru Alimentos, the entity was launched to encourage the planting, production, development and processing of non-GM grains in Brazil.


Some of the most important action strategies are to promote initiatives focusing on the increase of consumption and to develop and improve the quality of Non-GM products. Further aims are to enhance sustainability in terms of production and environment along with social responsibility and to inform customers about the regular and consistent supply of the Brazilian Non-GMO grains and derivates.


Executive Secretary Ricardo Tatesuzi de Sousa stated that Abrance was creating a reference consulting centre for new demands for national and international clients and promotes the necessity of certification of all production and supply chain connections. Contact:



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