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Bioera expanding again

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Bioera keeps on expanding in the organic sector. The group Bioera, leader in natural and organic nutrition and supplements in Italy, has bought 100 % of the KI group, which is specialized in organic food. Bioera already owns great names of natural food and natural cosmetics like Organic Oils, Natfood, Erboristerie d’Italia, XO Spa Biorganics, Fanghi die Guam and others partly or fully. With the acquisition of KI, Bioera confirms its position of leadership in this growing sector again.


The KI Group, founded at Turin / Italy in 1974, was a pioneer of organic food in Italy and is  a company with a long tradition and prestige in this sector. Because of its experience, KI is supplying about 3,600 natural food stores and drug stores in the country. This is of great importance for Bioera - to have a well-developed channel of distribution for their products.  KI is commercializing and distributing many European top brands on the Italian market exclusively: Provamel, Lima, Beutelsbacher, Rapunzel, Oatly , Ecomil, Primeal-Euronat LePaludier.



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