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Bio Suisse grants first sponsorship award

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In the year 2006, Bio Suisse, Switzerland’s leading organic label, celebrated their 25 year jubilee with the slogan “25 years of organic power”. To pass some of their power, the Bio Suisse sponsorship award was created to conclude this year of celebration.


By this award, a sustainable organic project in Switzerland will be sponsored with 5,000 Swiss Francs (€ 3,100) every year. The first Bio Suisse award is given to Alp de Lagh in Misox in the solitary Val Cama. The alp could not be used until 2004, when cultivation was restarted. Since 2006, the cultivation has been organic. ProSpecieRara animals from farmers of the region find their place  on the alp during the summer, and the mountain scenery is used in a sustainable way. Special cheeses and guided tours bring people to the Alp, and feral paths were made passable. (Picture: ProSpecieRara)



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