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BioSalus 2008 in Urbino/Italy

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

BioSalus is a cultural, artistic, commercial and gastronomic event dedicated to organics and well-being. It takes place in Urbino (Italy) from Oct. 3 to 5, 2008. Since its first edition it has managed to link culture with commerce, popular with specialized interests and science with tradition. Various possibilities are available to get in contact with the professionals of the sector. In the historic center of Urbino, meetings on organic food and food intolerances, conferences on well-being, exhibitions and sale of organic products will take place. Organic catering is also available.


In the Sala Trattamente (Hall for treatments), one can learn various techniques for well-being like shiatsu and kinesiology, for example. In a special section, Tibet will be honoured. With the collaboration of the Association Italy and Tibet mandalas, meditation, Buddhist thangka and traditional ceremonies will be presented. On one piazza, there will be presentations of arts for well-being, martial arts, oriental dances and music, lectures and entertainment for children.



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