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Bestseller launches organic collection in Denmark

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Bestseller’s jeans brand Jack & Jones launches a new organic collection made from Max Havelaar labelled cotton. The Max Havelaar certification means farmers receive a minimum price and a Fairtrade bonus. According to Anders Gam, Buying Manager, the company wants give their customers the opportunity to buy a range of our products in an environmentally friendly version called JJ ECO. (Picture: Max Havelaar)


Anders Gam also stated that this was a small step in the right direction and that it was important to emphasise that other Jack & Jones and Bestseller products, which have not received this certification, were also produced after stringent environmental standards.


This collection JJ ECO will be available in their Jack & Jones shops, easy for their customers to find, reports Fibre2Fashion. Only a minor part of the collection will be labelled JJ ECO for now, but it might be extended in the future. An annual volume of 500,000 pieces of clothes is estimated.



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