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Ban of MON810 maize in France

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The French government bans the cultivation of the genetically modified maize MON810. A committee of experts came to the conclusion that there is serious doubt regarding the safety of genetically modified maize. In regions with rurally structured agriculture, it is impossible to avoid the spreading of genetically modified plants to fields which are cultivated in a conventional manner. Additionally, it is proven that genetically modified maize harms earthworms and micro-organisms in the soil. During the past years, France had the second largest area of genetically modified maize in the European Union, right after Spain.


According to a legal expertise, the European guidelines regarding the release of genetically modified plants (Directive 2001/18/EG) offer a possibility to activate a safeguard clause corresponding with the precautionary principle. Therefore, the cultivation of a plant may be stopped when there is imminent danger for the environment. Also, restrictions of the trade are allowed due to non-commercial reasons.


More and more countries choose to follow and stop the cultivation of genetically modified maize. In Europe, only Spain and Germany will cultivate a nameable area of genetically modified plants in 2008. In Austria, Greece, Poland, Hungary and Switzerland, the cultivation or genetically modified maize has been banned for a long time . The cultivation of genetically modified potatoes is only planned in Germany and in the Czech Republic.


Genetic Engineering

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