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New book on organic agriculture in the Balkans

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Organic agriculture in the Balkans is still in its early stages, though it already acts as a fundamental stimulus to sustainable rural development in the region, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso reports. Through a comparative analysis of organic farming in the countries of South East Europe, the book "Organic Balkans. Stakeholders, policies, and institutions: a regional perspective" (140 pages, paperback, 14 x 21 cm) provides original insights into the process of European Union integration.

The autor Matteo Vittuari, PhD in International Cooperation and Policy for Sustainable Development, is a scholar of sustainable agricultural and rural policies and transitions in the Balkans. Lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bologna, he has carried out post-doctoral research at the Center for International Development at the University of Harvard. The forewords are written by Dacian Ciolos - EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development; Natalija Bogdanov - Professor of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade University; Andrea Segrè - Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bologna University.

"Organic Balkans. Stakeholders, policies, and institutions: a regional perspective" is written in English (with Italian and Serbo-Croatian extracts on the website). It is published by the Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso within the SeeNet II Programme of Decentralised Cooperation between Italy and SouthEast Europe. The publication can be requested for free here, is available online or can be downloaded as a pdf.

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso




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