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Balkan Biocert – first inspection and certification body in Bulgaria

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Balkan Biocert is the first national inspection and certification body in Bulgaria. The shareholders’ company was established with the financial support of The State Secretariat of Economic Affairs of Switzerland SECO within the Project “Establishment of a local organic certification body”. It aims at fulfilling one of the main priorities defined in agreement between Bulgaria and the Confederation of Switzerland - to promote the Bulgarian agriculture, and in particular the organic agriculture in the country. Other main partners of this project are the Institute of Market Ecology IMO, FiBL, and the Foundation for Organic Agriculture Bioselena in Bulgaria.


At present, the company has accreditation according to EN 45011 and covers more than 70% of the market of organic certification services in Bulgaria. Balkan Biocert is involved actively in the organic movement in Bulgaria and Macedonia, for example in the elaboration of the National Plan for Development of Organic Agriculture of Bulgaria. Certification takes place according to the Bulgarian Organic Ordinances and to the organic regulations of the EU, the USA and Japan. Labels for organic products in cooperation with IMO are also provided.


Balkan Biocert is located in Plovdiv, the second largest city in Bulgaria, since this town is a more central location of organic farmers than the capital Sofia. The company started its inspection activity in Bulgaria and Macedonia in 2003 and established a branch office in Skopje, Macedonia in 2005. In 2006, Balkan Biocert had five staff members in Bulgaria and two in Macedonia.


There are currently about 250 certified operators in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Biocert mainly certifies perennial crops: berries, fruits, aronia, annual crops like cereal crops and vegetables, oil bearing plants like roses, lavender and mint, wild collected herbs and fruits, mushrooms production and animals like cows, goats and sheep. The company also certifies processing and products for export.


Balkan Biocert Ltd.
Plovdiv – 4000
13 Christo Danov Str.
Tel/fax: (359-32) 625 – 818
Tel: (359-32) 625 – 888


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