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Azerbaijan: ELS centre opposes GMO

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The independent research centre ELS continues its work to prevent harm caused by GMOs in Azerbaijan. The Centre’s head Irada Yagubova said that the centre was planning to continue working with the population and organize polls and roundtables. On this basis, it would draw up documents to decide in what direction further work needed to be done. The centre was also continuing to work with the Ministries of Agriculture and of Environment and Natural Resources. She continued that ELS was also participating in drafting a bio-safety bill. The main subject, however, was to monitor the food market.

ELS and the Green Movement of Georgia have held a roundtable on GMOs and Biosafety of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, according to Abc.Az. A book dealing with the subject was presented at the event , dedicated to problems relating to the impact of GMO on human health and the environment. It contains information about the international legislation on biosafety, GMO regulation in the EU and the situation in the Caucasus and in other countries.


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