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Austrian study on GM corn

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

An official study commissioned by the Austrian government has revealed that mice fed on GM maize had fewer offspring and the mice were smaller. Dr Jurgen Zentek, professor for veterinary medicine at the University of Vienna and lead author of the study, said there was a direct link between the changes seen and the GM diet. 

The scientists performed several long-term feeding trials with laboratory mice. The parents were fed either a diet containing 33 % of GM maize, a hybrid of Monsanto's MON 810 and another variety, or a normal feed mix. The team found changes that were statistically significant in the third and fourth litters produced by the mice given a GM diet.
Dr Jan van Aken, GM expert at Greenpeace International, said that if this was not reason enough to close down the whole biotech industry once and for all, he was not sure what kind of disaster we were waiting for. The Soil Association commented that this was one of the very few studies that have ever been done to test the safety of eating GM crops.  Carried out by one of Austria's leading scientific institutes, and funded by the Austrian Government, the research had found significant negative impacts. The research made nonsense of GM industry claims that there was scientific proof that GM food was safe to eat.


Genetic Engineering

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