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Australia / Pacific Region: Organic training to help developing communities

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA) is providing free inspection training (see picture) to help support the fledgling organic sector in Australian indigenous communities and developing nations. NASAA commenced training people from the Fiji, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and three indigenous people representing Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara and Arnhem Land as organic inspectors.

General Manager Ben Copeman said NASAA was committed to achieving social justice outcomes that delivered real and tangible benefits to remote and developing regions. “The training is designed to reduce the cost of certification within developing communities, empowering locals to take control of their industry and to create employment,” he explains. The aim is to ultimately help to create sustainable, locally-owned businesses that will deliver long term economic benefits for remote, rural or underdeveloped indigenous communities in Australia and neighbouring Pacific countries. 

NASAA was formed in 1986 and supports the education of industry and consumers on organic, biodynamic and sustainable agricultural practices. Today, its certification arm, NASAA Certified Organic (NCO), provides certification and inspection services to assist certified organic operators access every organic market in the world. NCO certifies more than 1,000 operators in 13 countries, certifying some 5.5m ha of agricultural land worldwide. More information is available here.



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