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A Positive Forecast for Poland’s Organic Production

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

According to the Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection Agency, the number of certified organic farms in Poland rose to almost 7,200. The average size of holding increased to 28.4 ha, more than three times the average size of all-farms in Poland. The total land under organic management is over 204,000 hectares. In spite of this significant increase, the organic sector represents only 0.2 % of all Polish farms and 0.5 % of farmed area. There are only a few growers who produce commercial quantities – according to the latest statistics, just 0.05 % of all agricultural production in Poland, reports One reason for this could be the law which allows selling organic products only within 100 km from the farm produced – another reason lies in the high cost of transition from conventional to organic farming. The Polish government has decided to intensify research into organic agriculture and to expand the existing program, including promotion among growers and consumers. The ministry has also applied for EU funds.




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