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A New Look Brand is Launched in Wales

by Redaktion (comments: 0)


Calon Wen, the fast growing Welsh organic dairy co-operative, is launching a new look for its popular milk by the end of this month, reflecting the nature of the product – pure organic milk. As Richard Tomlinson, farmer and chairman, states, it is time to refresh their brand to take advantage of the growing consumer interest in organic milk. The new brand is expected to further strengthen the position of the product and to broaden distribution. Established in 2000, the co-operative of 20 organic dairy farmers has achieved to become a leading organic milk brand in Wales. Last year, it had a sales growth of 65 per cent. The first organic milk brand to supply to a multiple four years ago is outselling other national brands in Wales now. A large number of customers include Tesco, dairy manufacturer Rachel’s Organics and many independent stores and regional restaurants. The company was the first organic milk co-operative to achieve registered organic status with The Soil Association, reports Farming UK. The milk is collected from family farms in Wales. Since production and packaging takes place in Wales, food miles are low. The company also produces a slightly salted organic butter.




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