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58 organic supermarkets and specialist stores opened in 2009

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In 2009, 27 new organic specialist stores (200 m² - 400 m²) and 31 organic supermarkets (over 400 m²) were opened – including 14 relocations with expansion of the sales area. At the beginning of 2009 there were around 550 organic stores, specialist stores and organic supermarkets in Germany with retail space exceeding 200 m². From 2000 to 2008 the number of new organic supermarkets each year was between 25 and 83. (Graphic: Statistics of new openings since 2000)
In 2008, 71 new organic specialist stores and organic supermarkets were launched – including 13 relocations with an expansion of retail space. By the end of 2008, new retail space amounted to 37,250 m². The figure takes into account space lost through closures.

In 2009, the number of new stores (58) was just under 20 % less, with 30 new openings by the chains (52 %) almost catching up with the 28 owner-managed stores (48 %). Alnatura, Denn’s Bio et al. accounted for about 61 % (2008: 59 %) of the newly created retail space (15,575 m²).

The total new retail space in the 58 stores came to 25,485 m², with the calculation including the loss of old retail space in the case of relocation. So the total is 12,000 m² less than the year before. Added to this figure is the loss of 5,375 m² caused by closures, with three e.o. stores alone accounting for 1,380 m². Three of the previously six e.o. stores are continuing to operate under the new name “Kompledo AG”. This company has launched one additional store.

The Vitalia Group, to which Bio B. and the Bio-Family/Vitalia health food shops belong, is not included in the current statistics, because the situation of the chain is still uncertain and the company is insolvent (see our earlier report).

The average retail space per new organic specialist store or organic supermarket was 476 m², which is about 15 % smaller than the previous year (560 m²). For years, the average retail space in new stores has been between 400 m ² and 600 m². Whilst it has risen slightly over a number of years, last year saw a downturn. Some entrepreneurs may have thought that a smaller retail space would mean a lower burden of cost and the risk would be correspondingly reduced. The interesting point is that there is now no great difference between the retail space of the chains and the independents.

If we look at the picture across the federal states of Germany, we see that for 2009 Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria were in the lead with14 new specialist stores each. Then came Hessen (six), Berlin (four) and Nordrhein-Westfalen (four). Hamburg, Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein each had three new openings. Bremen and Rheinland-Pfalz had two each and Brandenburg, the Saarland and Sachsen each had one.

Ten organic supermarkets opened in Germany in October and ten in November. That is statistically two and a half per week. In the spring of 2009, when many of these stores were in the planning phase, in their minds companies had obviously already dismissed the economic and financial crisis.

The economic crisis and the diminishing growth rates in the specialist trade clearly had an impact on the efforts of the industry to expand by opening new stores. However, this effect was not quite as powerful as had been anticipated at the beginning of 2009. It is pleasing to note that there were not more insolvencies in the increasingly contended organic market. The Vitalia bankruptcy cannot be attributed to the economic crisis. The simple fact is that an experienced businessman misjudged the situation and focused to an unrealistic degree on expansion.
With regard to the distribution across the federal states, there is – as so often – a clear north-south and east-west disparity. Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria continue to be among the organic strongholds, with the east of the country belonging to the diaspora that has a lot of catching up to do.

Liste of the new organic specialist stores and organic supermarkets 2009:

Denn's Bio January  650 m²   Worms
Löwenzahn January  400 m²  Müllheim 
Biosfair            February 900 m²  Nagold 
Bio Company February 350 m²  Hamburg 
Gmünder Lädle March 320 m²  Schwäbisch Gmünd 
Basic March  680 m²  München 
SuperBioMarkt  March 580 m²  Bergisch-Gladbach 
Biomarkt Vitalis  March  220 m²  Lüneburg 
Alnatura  March 615 m²  Filderstadt 
ebl March  300 m²  Nürnberg 
Biomarkt Wiesloch  April   500 m²  Wiesloch 
Macis  April   380 m²  Leipzig 
Grünkern  April   250 m²  Ahrensburg 
Biomarkt Hauser  April   370 m²  Lauchringen 
Naturkost Schwarz  April   580 m²  Wetzlar 
viv  May  395 m²  Berlin 
Auwald Bio  May  300 m²  Rosenheim 
Biotop  June  200 m²  Crailsheim 
Denn's Bio  June  400 m²  Herzogenaurach 
Aleco  June  225 m²  Bremen 
Alnatura  June  530 m²  Alsbach-Hähnlein 
Regenbogen  June  300 m²  Arnsberg 
Naturwarenmarkt  July  680 m²  Lübeck 
Vollcorner  July  200 m²  München
Denn's Bio  July  700 m²  Bamberg
Alnatura  July  700 m²  Berlin
Elisa Biowelt August 680 m² Schulzendorf
Alnatura September 730 m²  Frankfurt
Bio Bäuerin  September   240 m²  Gronsdorf/Haar 
Fischer-Mühle  September   240 m²  Fellbach 
Alnatura  September   500 m²  München 
ebl  September   900 m²  Zirndorf 
Denn's Bio   September   420 m²  Würzburg 
Denn's Bio   September   520 m²  Frankfurt 
Envita  October   1000 m²  Weiterstadt 
Alnatura  October   470 m²  Berlin 
Bio Company  October   320 m²  Hamburg 
Himmel & Erde  October   400 m²  Rendsburg 
LPG  October   500 m²  Berlin 
Denn's Bio   October   640 m²  Braunschweig 
Rinklin Biomarkt  October   300 m²  Eichstetten 
Denn's Bio   October   860 m²  Göppingen 
Alnatura  October   670 m²  Bremen 
Dinkel Ähre  October   520 m²  Neumarkt 
Tjaden's BioFrischeMarkt  November   600 m²  Hamburg 
Biofair  November   515 m²  Trostberg 
Biowelt März  November   250 m²  München 
Alnatura  November   700 m²  Regensburg 
Organix  November   600 m²  Stuttgart 
Sesslermühle  November   300 m²  Renningen 
Bioladen Stüben  November   300 m²  Soltau 
Denn's Bio´/Füllhorn  November   480 m²  Mühlacker 
BioFrischMarkt November   350 m²  Riegelsberg 
Temma  November   800 m²  Köln 
Biobauernmarkt Reiser  December   200 m²  Waldbronn-Reichenbach 
Grüneburger Bioladen  December   200 m²  Frankfurt 
BioFrischMarkt  December   350 m²  Pirmasens 
SuperBioMarkt  December   600 m²  Münster 



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