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16,500 papers in Organic Eprints

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Organic Eprints, the international archive for publications about research in organic food and farming systems – is continually developing, ICROFS reports. All papers from the Organic World Congress 2014 in Istanbul have now been deposited in Organic Eprints.

At present, there are more than 16,500 papers in archive, and it is the sixth-largest archive on agriculture in the world. Researchers who depose their papers in Organic Eprints increase their visibility, make their results better known, and are also increasing the number of citations. Organic Eprints gives stakeholders access to papers, which would otherwise be difficult to obtain, and funding bodies get an easy overview of the output from projects, e. g. the publications from the ERA-net CORE Organic II.

Organic Eprints has been developed and operated since 2002 by the International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, ICROFS, (formerly Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming - DARCOF). In 2003 the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) joined the project as its first international partner with editorial responsibilities for the German language region and responsibility for the German language version of Organic Eprints. Additionally, Organic Eprints has national editors, currently in 26 countries, who assist in reviewing new eprints. More information is available here and here.




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