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ICROFS puts focus on Hungary

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

ICROFS, the International Research Centre for Food Systems, has published their latest newsletter. Special focus is put on Hungary in this edition. Two articles are presented on thr country: one with an introduction to the development and state of organic agriculture and one about the current state and plans related to organic agricultural research in Hungary. (Picture by Ferenc Frühwald: wine growing in Hungary

Hungary offers good conditions for organic production: 136,951 hectares of land were certified organic in 2013, including 5,890 hectares of fishing lakes. This is about 2,5% of the total agricultural land in the country. It is clear that the organic sector has not yet reached its potential there and that there are numerous unexploited opportunities. Hungarian organic production needs a stronger practice-oriented research basis, there needs to be more dissermination work – underpinned by local scientific evidence – and efforts to increase consumer awareness in order to establish a stable and growing secor. The articles as well as other ICROFS news can be found here.





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