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UK: Organic market continues to boom

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Proving small changes can add up to a big difference! New Nielsen data show sales of organic products in excess of £100m (about €128m) -  equivalent to 3.6% growth in September 2014 - as a result of Soil Association’s Organic September. Organic September, the campaign to make organic the norm rather than the exception, encouraged consumers to make one small change in their shopping habits by choosing organic food and drink. Local independent retailers, online and national UK supermarkets were involved throughout the month of September and the campaign reached over 6 million people through social media.

With 83% of UK households purchasing organic products in some form according to Nielsen, the latest figures suggest the organic market shows no signs of slowing down. Nielsen figures for the 52 week period to 11 October 2014 show growth of 1.6%, compared to the same period last year. This contrasts the non-organic market, which declined by 0.6% during the same time. Organic eggs (+ 11.7%), organic dairy (+8.4%) and organic poultry (+6.6%) have been some of the best performers. The independent retail sector, which includes health and wholefood shops, also saw organic sales grow by 6.9% last year. (Picture by Ben Woodgate: Whole Foods Market)

Increased innovation and accessibility to organic products is also having a positive effect on organic sales. Thanks to online retailers, a range of organic fruit and vegetables is now no more than a mouse click away. German supermarket giant Aldi’s recent announcement to launch an organic vegetable range in supermarkets across the UK will continue to guarantee organic fruit and vegetable is available to a variety of new consumer segments. More information is available from the Soil Association.



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