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USA: Votes on GMO food labelling ballot initiatives

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Final votes will be tallied on November 4 in two hard-fought and highly publicized state mandatory GMO food labeling ballot initiatives: Measure 92 in Oregon and Initiative 105 in Colorado. These two crucial ballot initiatives will determine the future of chemical-intensive, genetically engineered agriculture in North America, the Organic Consumers Association reports.

Despite the fact that the gene giants, backed by various large „junk food“ manufactures, have spent over US$30 million to mislead and confuse voters in these two states, latest indications are that voters in at least one state, Oregon, will vote for mandatory labeling, while voters in Colorado (where the Yes on GMO labeling forces have been outspent 25-to-1) may still pull off the most amazing longshot victory of 2014. More information is available here.


Genetic Engineering

North America


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