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Organic market in the UK is strengthening

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Figures from Nielsen were presented at the recent Soil Association annual market briefing. They showed growth in the UK's organic grocery market of +3.2% for the 4 weeks to 16 August 2014 compared with a fall in the non-organic grocery market of -0.9% in the same period.

This continues a trend where organic sales have been growing at +1.2% compared with a stagnant non-organic market for the year to 16 August 2014, the Organic Research Centre reports. Organic sales in the UK now make up a 1.3% share of the £96bn (about €122bn) food and drink market. (Picture: Daylesford Organic at the Selfridges Food Hall)

Despite household budgets still being under pressure, 83% of UK households now buy organic in some form and 29% of shoppers are willing to pay more for products that are ethically produced or kinder to the environment. The growth trend is reflected in Soil Association licensees’ organic sales which increased 8% year on year, with an 11% increase since April 2014. More information is available here



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