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IFOAM EU at Natural Products Scandinavia / Nordic Organic Food Fair

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Natural Products Scandinavia / Nordic Organic Food Fair are taking place in Malmö, Sweden, on 26 – 27 October 2014. To register to attend for free, please visit here and enter priority code NOFUK218. Both events offer visitors an education programme taking place across the two days in The Food and Drink Theatre and The Organic Theatre, both of which will feature IFOAM EU:

The  Organic Theatre (Sunday 26 October 2014, 11.00am - 11.45am): A new organic regulation: what it means for you, Kjel Sjodahl Svensson, IFOAM EU Council Member. He will explain important changes in the EU legislation and action plan, focusing on challenges and opportunities for organic operators such as manufacturers, traders and retailers. Key topics include the proposals regarding import, retailer certification, introduction of a pesticide decertification threshold, administrative burden, impact on SMEs and environmental performance requirements.

The Natural Theatre (Monday 27 October 2014, 1.00pm – 1.45pm): Keeping GMOs out of the supply chain, Alejandro Gil, IFOAM EU Project Coordinator. The current EU and international political situation threaten the capacity of the natural and organic sector to keep GMOs out of the supply chain by the increasing risk of GMO contamination. Keeping GMOs out of food, an IFOAM EU project, aims to identify the current challenges and legal situation for GMO-free food production in the EU, deliver practical guidance to operators and advocate for policy frameworks that ensure rights for GMO-free producers.


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