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Australian Organic announces awareness month

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

This October, Australian Organic will ask Australians to purchase at least one certified organic product as their mission to generate further awareness on the benefits of organic continues. Their ambassador and celebrity Chef Pete Evans will front the Australian Organic Awareness Month that runs from 1 to 31 October 2014. According to Paul Stadhams, CEO of Australian Organic, people tend to think that certified organic products are limited to food and produce. However, Australian Organic has over 14,000 registered products on their database that cover everything from food to make-up, textiles and more.

Each week in October a different organic industry will be highlighted and promoted. These will be split into the four sectors: Allowed inputs – garden and farm; organic skincare and cosmetics; organic beverages, and organic food. Producers and retailers from each sector will be profiled and their products promoted on a Facebook page, which will launch in September. Shoppers will be invited to participate in Q&As with certified organic farmers, retailers and Australian Organic ambassadors during the month as well as a Vote to Win style competition offering various prizes including cash and products. Customers will be asked to vote for their favourite certified organic product. Details on the products including what they are, what they are made of and where they are sold will be available. More information is available from the Australian Organic site and on Facebook.







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