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Organic World Congress: Pre-conferences are shaping up!

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Aimed to build a strong network, the OWC pre-conferences will take place during the weekend (October 11-12) before the Organic World Congress. The programs of the following four events are now ready and available here.


October 12, Sunday 2014: Organic Family Farming and Fair Trade for Rural Development (HELVETAS/ICEA/HIVOS/IFOAM/FiBL): At the occasion of the international year of family farming, this full day event aims to improve future agendas for greater outreach and impact of organic agriculture/fair trade by fostering collaboration between different stakeholders. Target audience is leaders and change agents in rural development policy and practice. Registration: 50 €

October 12, Sunday 2014: Organic Animal Husbandry across the World: Situation, development needs and demands (IAHA/FiBL): This workshop aims to evaluate the status of Organic Animal Husbandry across the world by identifying and discussing development needs and demands concerning research, education, extension, outreach, market and public policies. This half day event will include speakers discussing experiences from South America, North America, Europe, Turkey and the Middle East. Registration: Free

October 11-12, Saturday-Sunday 2014: Organic Aquaculture – supporting economic growth of the organic aquaculture sector
 (OrAqua/IFOAM): Focused upon how the organic aquaculture sector can grow by developing science based regulations which are in line with the organic principles and consumer confidence. Targeted towards stakeholders engaged or interested in the development of the sector in Europe, this event will take place over two days from lunch to lunch. It aims to include gathering opinions on the current EU regulatory framework for organic aquaculture, and reviewing relevant scientific knowledge/experience on the topic. Registration: Free

October 12, Sunday 2014: Practitioners’ Research Agenda Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM (TIPI): In an effort to review the relevance and effectiveness of the TIPI Vision and Research Agenda, this event will include presentations from farmers from five continents discussing their most urgent needs. Presentations from TIPI Board members and discussions on revising the agenda for Europe will also be featured. Registration: Free. More information on the OWC can be found here.


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