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March Against Monsanto in over 50 countries

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

On 24 May 2014, hundreds of thousands of activists from around the world joined in the third global March Against Monsanto, calling for the permanent boycott of GMOs and harmful agro-chemicals. Marchers advocated food transparency, an end to corporate food corruption, and a transition to local, organic and sustainable agriculture. The marches took place on six continents in over 50 countries, with events in over 420 cities. In the USA, marches were held in 47 states. A comprehensive list of marches can be accessed here.

Activists celebrated the recent victories in Vermont, where GMOs will now be required to be labeled, counties in South Oregon and the Big Island of Hawaii where cultivation of GMOs is now banned, and numerous other cities, states, and countries that are moving toward food transparency. Organizer from the march in Stockholm, Sweden, Gela Amini, said: "Well over 1500 Stockholm attendees gathered outside of the Swedish Royal Palace to march against Monsanto. The march lasted over an hour and concluded with everything from a trampoline for the children, organic face painting, organic fruit, purified water, goodie bags, etc. - all free, of course. A variety of speakers took the stage discussing what their local organic farmers needed, the direct link between food and health, and the decline in bee population. The event ended successfully with an organic seed swap."

Marcha Contra Monsanto Mexico organized over 20 marches in Mexico and were very happy with their turnout. Marchers there are concerned about GM Maize genetically polluting non-GMO, indigenous corn crops, and the many pesticides farmers are exposed to in farming and agricultural areas. In St. Louis, where Monsanto is headquartered, organizers of the March Against Monsanto said that there were 350 people strong with protesters making the journey from Florida, Texas, Indiana, Alaska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Kentucky, Nevada, Illinois, Kansas, Arizona, New Jersey, Georgie, Oregon, and Washington. More information is available here and on Facebook.



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