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High-level speakers confirmed for European Organic Congress

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

IFOAM EU Group's 8th European Congress will take place in Bari, Italy, on 10 – 12 September 2014. The congress will focus on new Rural Development Programmes, the European Innovation Partnership for Agriculture and the Organic Regulation Review. These topics will be covered during the expert panel and followed up with three workshop sessions.

Ulrich Hoffmann, Head of Trade and Sustainable Development, UNCTAD, will deliver the keynote speech The Need for a Fundamental Transformation of Agriculture towards Agro-ecology. João Onofre, Head of the Organic Farming Unit, DG Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Commission, will hold the thematic session on organic regulation review. Sjoerd Wartena, Terre de Liens project: Access to land for new farmers, will hold the thematic session on rural development: Opportunities for Organic farming and Agro-ecological Approaches.

The early bird registration has been extended until 6 June and the registration includes several special rates. Registration is possible here. The full program for the congress can be found at




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