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Germany: Fairtrade & organic increasingly popular

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The range of products that carry both a Fairtrade and an organic label is increasing in Germany. TransFair has recently introduced their first projections for 2013. The share of Fairtrade food products that are certified organic has increased from 52% in 2012 to 65% in 2013. With a share of 90 %, bananas are still leading the Fairtrade & organic offer. Each second banana in Germany is Fairtrade certified. Almost 75% of Fairtrade coffee beans are certified organic too, as well as 82 % of Fairtrade tea, 60% of rice and 42% of chocolate.

Altogether, about 1,900 Fairtrade & organic products are available in 42,000 sales points from retail to specialized shops and pharmacies. Organic agriculture is not a requirement for Fairtrade, since it would exclude the poorest, TransFair reports. Small buffer zones to conventional agriculture, depleted soil and initial sales reductions would make organic too complicated as a starting point. However, organic agriculture is promoted with advice and training as well as an additional premium for organics. More information (in German) is available here 



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