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Netherlands: more organic consumers in supermarkets

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The number of consumers who buy organic products in supermarkets has increased rapidly, the market research agency GfK has announced, following a poll among Dutch consumers. Especially the group of occasional buyers is growing significantly. The group who always buys organic remains stable, and the group of consumers who say they never take into account organic options is decreasing gradually.

"It's good to see where the potential lies," says GfK consultant Marcel Temminghoff. "Consumers do not suddenly step into a complete "organic menu", it is a logical process. It is similar to vegetarian products: There has also been growth in recent times, especially in the flexitarians, not in the real vegetarians," says Temminghoff.
The growth in the past year is not as great as that in early 2012, according to GfK, but after the decline that followed, it is back. 20 % of respondents now take organic options strongly into account, or even always buy organic. In 2011, it was about 14% of the surveyed.



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