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Weleda continues to grow

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Weleda AG, a market leader for holistic natural cosmetics and anthroposophic medicines, continued growing in 2013. The consolidated, provisional sales of the Weleda Group amounted to 336 million euros last year. This is an increase of 14 million euros (+ 4%) over the previous year. Adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations, growth in sales was 5%. (Picture: production of argan oil at Weleda)

The largest absolute growth was recorded in Germany, Austria and France. Sales of pharmaceutical products increased by 5%, or 5 million euros. Sales in natural cosmetics rose by 4%, or 9 million euros. The introduction of their hair care line, the expansion of distribution channels and their first TV advertising campaign in Germany and Austria contributed significantly to this positive development. For 2014, the Weleda Group expects further growth in sales of around 3%. The Board of Directors of Weleda AG appointed Michael Brenner as CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and member of the executive board from 1 January 2014. Michael Brenner has been working at Weleda since December 2012.

Weleda AG Arlesheim is a stock company under Swiss law with its headquarters in Arlesheim in Basel (Switzerland) and a branch office in Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany). In addition, the international Weleda Group consists of 18 majority shareholdings wordlwide and now has around 1,900 employees. Weleda is represented in around 50 countries. More information is available here:


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