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IFOAM Organic Leadership Course Europe 2014/15

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Following the success of our European, Asian and Latin American Courses in 2013, the IFOAM Academy is now launching a second European course in 2014. IFOAM invites to join them to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to be at the forefront of organic thinking. During the course, leadership potential can be tapped and comprehensive insight into the multi-faceted development of the organic sector can be gained. IFOAM’s interactive programs encourage and facilitate network building, innovative thinking, and the transfer of expertise in a hands-on, participatory learning environment.
The OLC has three main components:
1. The first residential or Face-to-Face (F2F1) session 12 - 21 July 12-21, 2014 in the Netherlands.
2. The Webinar Series: Ten monthly online remote sessions
3. The Second Face-to-Face (F2F2) - the course concludes with a five-day residential session in tandem with BioFach Nuremberg, in Germany, February 2015.

The fee is €2800 covering tuition, transport for study visits, training materials, lunches and refreshments during conference sessions. Not included are accommodation and travel costs to and from the training venue. For an additional fee of Euro 1,200, twin-sharing accommodation (bed and breakfast) for both sessions can be arranged. IFOAM will consider scholarships for qualifying candidates who have financial constraints. The application deadline is April 10, 2014. The application form for OLC Europe is available here.






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