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Cosmebio to continue its professional training scheme

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Cosmebio will be continuing its new professional training scheme in 2014. Registered as a professional training centre with French authorities, Cosmebio now offers a comprehensive training scheme featuring 12 x 1-day sessions. Training courses will be held in their centers in Valence and Paris, and are open to both Cosmebio members and members of the public. The training will be conducted by a team of highly qualified experts in the following fields: Technique, Ethics and Marketing. (Picture: Cosmebio training centre in Paris)
Technique: this training course is aimed at improving quality and skills in the field of cosmetics. New cosmetic regulations as well as the new harmonised European standard for organic and natural cosmetics will be covered in detail during this course by Cosmebio, Ecocert and Martine Jouannic (quality assurance, analytical research and regulatory consultant) in partnership with Cosmed.
Ethics: this training course aims to achieve sustainable growth by promoting two key concepts: biodiversity chaired by Emmanuel Delannoy, Director of the Inspire Institut (initiative for the promotion of an industry that is reconciled with ecology and society – aimed at preparing the 3rd industrial revolution) and eco-conception with the Evea consulting firm (which has worked with major multinational companies).

Marketing: this training course is aimed at helping participants successfully break into the German market with Beate Vogel (consultant for NaturKosmetik Konzepte (German consulting firm) and Chief Editor for Naturkosmetik Verlag (German publishing house)), the Russian market with Kirsten Hüttner of the Rus Expert firm (consultant, author, and founder of the Russian website for natural cosmetics) and the Asian market with Moritz Aebersold (export and marketing strategy consultant, ex-member of the executive committee at Weleda). More information is available from Cosmebio and on Facebook.



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