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Soil Association calls on public to save British wildlife

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

New research has shown that organic farms support, on average, a third more species than non-organic farms. The Soil Association is now not only calling for people to buy more organic food, but is also looking for 1,000 Organic Wildlife Warriors to help save birds, butterflies and hedgehogs.
Farmland bird populations have fallen by 53% since 1966 and, since the 1950s, hedgehog populations have plummeted from 30million to just 1.5million today. These are just two of the many shocking facts about the decline of wildlife in the UK. Becoming an Organic Wildlife Warrior will help to raise vital funds towards the Soil Association's work proecting the UK’s wildlife. 

In the last year, millions of people in the UK united to try and save the bee and other vital pollinators – resulting in a suspension of three neonicotinoids by the EU. The new research confirms that if people want to help with long-term solutions to save the bees, as well as join the vital fight to ban harmful chemicals, then buying organic food or supporting the development of wildlife friendly-organic farms are some of the most positive things they can do. More information about the campaign is available here:



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