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Ireland: New Community Garden Venture at Organic Centre

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

On 21 January, a new community based gardening venture at the Organic Centre in Rossinver, Co Leitrim was launched (picture: the gardeners). The Centre, now in its 19th year, has recruited over 20 local people who are interested in growing their own vegetables, herbs and fruit, as part of a group of community gardeners. People who wish to join the Community Garden pay a set fee over the duration of the project which lasts for a calendar year. In exchange, participants will be able to grow organic produce in three large polytunnels (80m by 20m) and in the quarter acre outdoor production area known as the Robin’s Garden.

One of the benefits of the project to the Organic Centre is that in signing up to the project, participants will help the organisation to grow a range of organic transplants from seeds and cuttings for sale at local shops and markets. Project Coordinator Dick Roberts explains: “Participants will attend for a minimum of two hours per week, at least half of which time is given over to the production of transplants on behalf of the Organic Centre. People will be guided by Organic Centre staff as to how to grow these transplants and there will be a lot of valuable learning in it for any keen, willing-to-learn gardener." More information is available from the Organic Centre.





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