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USA: Maine passes GMO labelling law

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In December 2013, the Governor of Connecticut signed the first GMO labelling law in the USA. Maine now follows as the second state to pass such a law, GM Watch reports. Governor Paul LePage has signed a bill that would require food producers to label foods that contain genetically modified ingredients. The law doesn’t go into effect, however, unless five contiguous states pass labelling laws.

Supporters of the bill hailed the law’s eventual passage as a victory for advocates of laws mandating the labelling of genetically modified foods. Proposals have been introduced in close to 30 states as part of a national effort to compel Congress to enact a comprehensive labelling law.

The United States Department of Agriculture estimates 70% of the products sold in American supermarkets contain GM ingredients. According to GM Watch, 64 countries around the world label foods that contain genetically modified ingredients, including all of Europe, Russia, China, Brazil, India, and Saudi Arabia. The full article is available here.


North America

Genetic Engineering

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