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Michael Hansen on GMOs

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Michael Hansen, PhD, is a Senior Staff Scientist with the Consumers Union, the policy and action division of Consumer Reports. Through that group he has tightly focused on the evolving science of genetic engineering of foods, its politics and labeling for over twenty years. He has spoken at hearings in Washington, DC, in several other states of the USA as well as in Canada, and has prepared comments on many proposed governmental rules and regulations concerning food safety issues in the USA.

His long experience brings deep insight into the GMO battle, and sheds light on why the USA has been lagging behind some thirty nations that have banned GMOs or at the least have enacted mandatory labeling. He sees us at a tipping point at which industrial agriculture’s long-term influence is considerably weakening. The full article on Dr Hansen is available from Organic Connections here:


Genetic Engineering

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