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IFOAM name change stakeholder consultation and motion period

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Discussions around whether the name IFOAM accurately reflects what they do and who they are have been going on for years, IFOAM reports. The main criticism heard regarding the name is that it is not self-explanatory and that repeated interaction with the organization is needed before one feels familiar with what it is. Improved brand recognition and outreach beyond the organic movement are but some of the benefits IFOAM believe a name change could bring.

The World Board sees that both IFOAM as an organization, as well as the global context it operates in, have changed, and that this warrants opening up the discussion around this topic. The World Board decided that they would like the feedback of their affiliates and stakeholders before they decide on the next steps. The survey will remain open until 15 January 2014, after which the results will be compiled. More information is available here.

The IFOAM World Board has also opened the motion period on the next version of two of the IFOAM Norms; the IFOAM Standard for Organic Production and Processing, and the IFOAM Accreditation Requirements for Bodies Certifying Organic Production and Processing. The motion-making period ends on 24 January 2014, during which all members may submit motions to either or both of the new proposed norms. The motion process is the last step before a yes/no vote by the members on the adoption of each norm. Only IFOAM full voting members can submit one or several motions, following the procedure described in the call for motion document, which can be accessed here.





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