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Switzerland: 15 years of Biovision

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

In 15 years, Biovision has followed a challenging path from a small NGO to an internationally respected political force for sustainable development. Throughout that entire period of growth, they kept their original vision: A world with enough healthy nutrition for all, produced by healthy people in a healthy environment.

On 30 November 2013, a symposium to celebrate the jubilee was held in Zürich. The anniversary publication 15 Years of Biovision  and the current facts and figures in the Annual Report 2012 also give an insight into their integrated project work.

Hans Rudolf Herren (see picture), one of the world’s leading experts on sustainable agriculture, has won the Right Livelihood Award for his commitment to end hunger and poverty in our world. The president of the Biovision Foundation is the first Swiss to be awarded this prize since its inception in 1980. More information on Biovision is available here:



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