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USA: Mercaris Data Service and Trading Platform launched

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Mercaris, a new company providing critical market data and trading for organic and non-GMO agricultural commodity crops, has announced that its Data Service is available to subscribers. Mercaris uses its technology platform to conduct continuous surveys of ‘first purchasers’ of organic grains in order to report on delivered prices for North American grain markets.

The Mercaris Data Service allows subscribers to track and compare spot and forward prices of organic corn, organic soybean and organic wheat markets across various regions of the USA and Canada. It also provides monthly statistics on the number of USA imports of these crops. The reports are expected to be of particular interest to producers, elevators, mills, manufacturers and retailers in the organic and non-GMO food and feed sectors that stand to gain an edge and benefit from insight into market conditions.

As demand for organic and non-GMO food has grown worldwide, market infrastructure in the form of better information and more effective procurement tools have not kept pace. Mercaris is the first business to address this gap, by providing access to supply and demand factors unique to the sector. The Mercaris Trading Platform, to be released this fall, is the first electronic venue for identity-preserved physical commodities, where buyers and sellers can access a broader network of customers, reduce transaction costs, and decrease financial risk.

The first online auction on the Mercaris Trading Platform was held too. The Mercaris Trading Platform facilitates the buying and selling of identity-preserved physical commodities, providing participants a broader business network, reduced transaction costs, and decreased financial risk. The inaugural auction was a reverse auction to supply non-GMO feed grade corn to Triple M Farms in Lebanon, PA. Potential suppliers were able to submit their offers to supply the product on 4 & 5 November 2013. The auction was oversubscribed and Triple M was able to source their full order.

More information is available here



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