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Organic chocolate in compostable foil

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Seed & Bean believe that “the chocolate of the future would have a conscience”. To deliver the most ethical, sustainable and creative chocolate, each one of Seed & Bean’s bars is handcrafted in small batches in England. Cocoa beans are not mixed, resulting in a rich and smooth taste.

Made with Fairtrade and Soil Association Organic approved ingredients, ensuring cocoa farmers are getting a fair deal and the environment is being respected via their recyclable packaging, ethics are the epicentre of the brand. Seed & Bean will now work with compostable NatureFlex from Innovia Films.

“It is fundamentally the only foil we could consider, we have a very responsible attitude to the environment and NatureFlex is the leader in its field.” says Steve Rudkin, Seed & Bean’s founder. “Whilst we don't expect the wrappers to be composted very often, at least they will breakdown quickly and have limited impact from the initial sourcing being from Eucalyptus.” A list of the chocolate's stockists is available here.





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