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USA: Labelling GMO law defeated in Washington State

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The proposal law to label GM foods in Washington lost 49% to 51%. According to the Yes on 522 campaign, more money than ever before was spent in a Washington state ballot measure contest by "out-of-state pesticide and junk food industries that funded a campaign that deceived Washington voters in this election”, leaving consumers in the dark about what is in their food. 2013 general election turnout is the lowest ever recorded, attracting older and more conservative rather than the younger, more progressive voters that are driving the GE labeling movement.

“Thank you to everyone who voted, volunteered, donated, and supported this effort,” said Trudy Bialic, co-chair for Yes on 522. “We are disappointed with the results, but the polling is clear that Washingtonians support labeling and believe they have a right to know. This fight isn’t over. We will be back in 2016 to challenge and defeat the out-of-state corporations standing in the way of our right to know.” More information is avialable here: Yes on 522




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