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USA: New GMO labeling TV & video spots launched

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Yes on 522 campaign in Washington State has launched an entertaining series of 30-second TV ad spots in favor of labeling GMO foods. The spots can be watched here: The campaign is working to ensure that genetically engineered foods are labeled in the state of Washington. Yes on 522 draws support from farmers, fishing families, health professionals, parents, business owners and consumer advocates who believe that Washington consumers should have the right to know what is in their food.

Washington Initiative 522 (I-522) is a 2012 initiative to the Washington State Legislature. It is on the 5 November 2013 general election ballot. If passed into law by voters, I-522 would take effect in July 2015. The complete text of Initiative Measure No. 522 is available here:


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Genetic Engineering

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