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Scotland: Saltire Organic Meat company launched

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Denise Walton of Peelham Farm and Sascha Grierson from Hugh Grierson Organic (see picture) have announced the formation of a new and innovative collaboration between their two organic farming and butchery businesses at a Food for Life Scotland network event in Glasgow on 4 September 2013, the Soil Association reports. The women aim to begin their collaboration with grass fed organic Aberdeen Angus beef.

It was the creation of the Food for Life programme in Scotland in June 2012 which laid the foundation for the collaboration. Throughout initial discussions between both businesses and later with the Food for Life team, it became clear that there is a potential need for significantly larger volumes of organic meat than either business could handle individually, through more organisations wanting to source Scottish organic produce. Peelham Farm and Hugh Grierson Organic, through their respective companies, both rear grass fed organic beef and it seemed logical to collaborate to gain the volume required to bid for larger public and private sector catering contracts, including the potential to supply some of the increasing number of organisations who are on the journey towards obtaining the Food for Life Catering Mark, or moving from Bronze to Silver and Gold.

For over ten years Peelham farm and Hugh Grierson organic have built strong brands selling their farm produce directly through farm shops, restaurants and direct to customers via online sales and farmers markets. They have achieved nationwide recognition for the outstanding quality and flavour of their produce and for their high standards of animal welfare. Native breeds of cattle, sheep and pigs are used to achieve the twin goals of sustainable land management coupled with great meat eating quality. Both companies have invested in butchery plants on their farms to enable them to provide the best in customer service and build a strong platform for their farming businesses. More information is available here:


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